Your Daily Dose Of Authenticity
Amy Walker
A 20-something year old making a life for herself…
Hi! I’m Amy and this is me trying to navigate the world and life with authenticity, honesty and a love for the magic of life.

Latest happenings
about me
Mummy, Positive Psychology Practitioner, lifelong learner, planner fanatic, productivity nerd and lover of music, crystal art and spirituality.
I’m a Mum to a curious 2 year old boy, who turned my world the right way around.
I’m one of those! I like everything planned, time blocked, organised and it all needs a routine!
Youtube, Facebook and Instagram, I share my life, my hobbies, my ideas, my plans and my thoughts with you.
What makes me, me? Hi I am Amy, an authentically and unapologetically multifaceted and self-proclaimed odd ball, learning and living everything and anything there is to be expereinced. I have a multitude of varied interests including psychology, spirituality, music, history, writing, maths (I’m a number nerd!), reading, crystal art and more!
I am a proud single mum to a toddler who is referred to as Pumpkin. My motherhood journey officially started in June 2021, when I found out I was pregnant with my little boy. However, it often feels like my journey to being a mum started long before this. I knew from a very young age that I was born to be a mum. Since having Pumpkin, we have had a c-section, a major operation to save Pumpkin’s life, my own health issues and being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, undergoing assessments for Pumpkin for Autism, ADHD and hearing loss, and of course beoming a single mum.
As well as being a full time Mum, I am also a self-employed business owner and Positive Psychology Coach, studying at The Open University, and work as a Tarot Reader at The Lancashire Witch.
Through all of this, I knew that if I was going through this all, then others must be too. I have learned things, adapted, changed and evolved through this process, and I want to share that with others who may be feeling alone in this journey.
My thoughts…
Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I chat about what I am up to, my goals and aspirations and my lifestyle content…